Monday, June 19, 2006

In one piece!

That is about all I can say about today is that we survived it! All while on a routine trip to Trader Joe's, my 7 yo decided to jump up on the side of a full cart of groceries. This tipped over the cart pinning him underneath it and dumping the 3yo out of the cart, hitting his head on the wall on the way down. An ambulance was called and the kids got a ride to the hospital. We were pretty worried that the 7 yo may have broken his leg (he didn't, thank God.) And the baby's bump on the noggin wasn't serious. We are just thankful to be home, and in one piece.

Trader Joe's has been wonderful...Even offered to deliver the groceries that I had in my cart (we live 45 minutes away!)

We are now "de-stressing" with pizza, videos and a quiet night of knitting for mom.


Blogger essjay said...

What a day! I'm so glad everyone is okay!!

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I worry all the time about that happening to us. My 4 yo always wants to climb all over the cart and I have visions of the whole thing toppling over, along with my one year old.

That must have been a horrifying experience! I'm so glad everyone was okay!!

7:33 PM  

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