Well...actually I missed it! I missed my own blogiversary. January 16th was my very first post. But with my crazy life....I have been caring for sick kids, homeschooling....oh and the house doesn't clean itself. And I am now in the process of going back to work as a counselor. When I worked previously, I was part of community mental health which is state paid. This time I will be in the private sector, so now I am filling out countless forms for managed care networks. Nightmare!
So in celebration here is my Year In Review! (as stolen from
Instructions — Copy the first sentence that you posted in each month of 2006.
JanuaryThe first post is always the hardest to write.
FebruaryI don't think I will ever finish this sock.
MarchI usually say I am a self taught knitter, but that is not entirely true.
AprilIllnesses and traveling have kept blogging and knitting at a minimum lately.
MayThis room was completely empty Saturday!
JuneRemember I promised to tell you about the coffee we received from Boca Java?
JulySo are you up for a mystery or two?
AugustI joined! Did you?
SeptemberThank you all for the well wishes for Ophelia.
OctoberI had so much fun with Secret Pal 8 that I decided to join SP 9!
NovemberThe mailman has been busy bring fabulous packages to my house.
DecemberDo Homeschoolers have snowdays? You bet they do!!!!
So there you have it....my first year of blogging in a nutshell....