Friday, July 21, 2006

Looking to waste some time.

I am working at getting the house ready for a herd of 5-7 year olds that will be stampeding my house tomorrow afternoon. We are having my 5 yo dd's Princesses and Knights birthday party and I am very much NOT ready for this. I always get stressed out over the kids parties. Why do I let that happen? So instead of doing something constructive, here I am.
I got an email today from Jen Logan, my Secret Pal 8 hostess. She is having a contest to keep participants of course I have to do my part! (I can always clean the house later!) We each need to post the answers to some question on our blog for a chance to win a skein of STR! Whoo Hoo! So here is mine:

1. What is your favorite season of the year and why?

Summer, hands down! I LOVE the HOT weather. (I absolutely hate to be cold!)Summer is when the kids are outside playing and I get to be outside gardening. I love that we don't need to mess with hats and gloves and coats and all of that! I love that we get to do less school! We are homeschoolers and so summer is when we get to kick back and take it easy. We still do some work but much less and just the basics.

2. Summer is hot. What do you knit in the summer?

Socks are my favorite thing to knit anytime of the year! I love to knit socks. But I also work on pretty much anything. I usually don't do huge projects anyways....I am a bit ADD when it comes to knitting projects and dont have the attention span to complete huge things. However this summer my mom and I got the bright idea to make an afghan for a bridal shower this fall. We are each making squares to seam into the afghan. This has been KILLING me! I have 5 more squares to do and less than a month to do it in! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

3. If money was no object.....what would you buy at the LYS?

Well after I bought sock yarn in each brand/colorway they carry....Hmm. I am still thinking I must own some type of shrug or cardi in Mmmalabrigo. I don't know I guess the short answer is as much yarn as I can manage to carry home.

4. What are some activities that have become family traditions for your family?

One of the kids favorites and easiest traditions is the Candle of Honor...I don't even know where I came up with this idea, but we have a candle that sits on our kitchen table and if one of the kids does something special or behaves extra nice, etc...we light the candle in their honor during dinner. They LOVE this.

5. What is the weather right now?

Grey and overcaste and in the mid 80's


Blogger Jenn said...

Thanks for posting this :-)

2:54 PM  
Blogger Becka said...

I miss theme parties! My youngest is 21 so we don't really do them any more..but, they are such fun!!
I love the candle of honor...great idea, Mom!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Catherine Kerth said...

i like the fall or winter b/c it is like a cool summer for you ;) expect your package on saturday! i sent it this morn with some other bills i had to mail off! sorry so late!!!!

1:12 PM  

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